Always be learning and acquiring valuable new skills. That was the advice I was given by my last high school teacher.
I think that advice is more relevant now than at any time in the last century. Gone are the jobs for life. In fact, job insecurity is rife, most people starting work now would expect to change jobs several times in their working life.
Now, in the early ’20s with the Covid Pandemic interfering in everything we do, you may be stuck at home, out of work, working part-time, or unable to work and worrying about paying the mortgage bills and living expenses.

I don’t think there is much doubt, there is a big recession coming. In 2020 the pandemic wiped out many well-established businesses, big and small and cost our governments billions in help and assistance.
Its going to be you and me that pay for that help!
In such times its nice to have a plan B
Basically I advise that you do one of these (or both)…
Here are a few examples of successful projects
1.Learn Spanish
Synergy Spanish – Learning Spanish by conversation

- For Businesses with Spanish Clients
- in Spanish speaking countries
- For Students no longer in School or College
- For Older people
- To learn Real World Spanish
- Learn really quickly
- Enhance your Travel Experiences
- Connect with Local Spanish people
If school was a long time ago for you, and the thought of studying a formal Spanish course at the local college as a mature student, terrifies you.
If you struggle to understand spoken Spanish, but would like to join in the conversation, This is the method for you.
The 5 Modules of the Course
- Talk about yourself
- Multiply your Dialog and Conversation Skills
- Talk about what you are doing , as a group
- Be able to speak to different groups
- Round out the course

Guaranteed Money back if you are not 100% happy with this Course
2. Build a Blog and Earn Commissions
There are many easy ways to set up a website, even a complete Newbie could have one up in an hour!

Step 1 – set up your own Website
Step 2 – Decide what to sell and how to sell it.
These are some of the more popular methods of Selling Online
- Selling Actual Physical Goods
- Affiliate Marketing for Physical Goods
- Affiliate Marketing for Info Products
- CPA ( Cost Per Action ) Marketing
- Helping Local Businesses Get Customers
Each of the methods has its own pluses and minuses
I would recommend going with a Mentor or Mentor programme, to learn more about each method , find the one that appeals to you. Then find some training that will get you going in the right direction.
Although you can find a lot of info available online, much of it conflicts, with one “Guru” telling you to do it this way, another saying that the other way is more successful. And of course a lot of it will be outdated.
Go with a Mentor who has experience , is Up-To-Date has a good track record and runs a forum where ongoing help can be found at reasonable cost. My recommendation would be Joey Babineau’s Powerhouse Affiliate, but read this free book and make up your own mind

Simply fill in your Email and Name to find out more. I will email you Joey’s Ebook, which will open your eyes to what is possible
3. Offer a Service as a Freelancer
There has been an explosion of content on YouTube and Blogging sites.
Content creators don’t always have the skills to do video editing, thumbnail creation, Icon & Logo creation or image editing. If you can learn any of those skills , you will always be in demand.
or maybe there is a hobby or pastime that you have skills in?
There have been so many emails and inquiries about this, that I expanded the topic into a full page… Click Below
Make real money offering your expertise with a “Gig” on the Fiverr Platform